The Flash-to-Bang (F-B) Method requires no dedicated detector: only counting the time in seconds from seeing lightning’s flash, to seeing the associated thunder or bang. For each five seconds, lightning is one mile away. Thus, a F-B of 10 = 2 miles; 15 = 3 miles; 20 = 4 miles; etc.
Some lightning sensors have problems with electrical
interference this comes from electrical appliances that
produce noise. This sensor may produce false counts
Hobby boards 1 wire Lightning senor only records lightning counts
The number of strikes is increasing, as the storm gets
more intense, or that its getting closer , and more in range
The lightning sensor has been updated with a new circuit from hobby boards this will cut down the amount of interference.......
Weather data is based on amateur readings
and should not be interpreted as being totally accurate.
This site is just for people with a general interest in weather
Cheddleton weather station in contributing data to "" this is a community of station operators
who transmit their data to the central server, Please see our live Lightning data map
E-field Amplifier + Controller PCB
AS3935 Franklin Lightning Sensor
Mounted in one Box
Controller PCB Plugged in to
please refresh the page for the latest data
"" this is a community of station operators who transmit their data to the central server ,Lightning Detected on the network 03/05/15